Post-Campaign Responsibilities

Post-Campaign Responsibilities

Published On: September 15, 2021

Last Modified On: October 31, 2022

As an Official Agent, your responsibilities towards the campaign will be ongoing in the months following Election Day. Below is a list of important tasks that must be accomplished post-campaign. Please keep in mind that the responsibilities of the Official Agent are not limited to these.
  • The Candidate’s Electoral Campaign Return is due no later than 4 months after Election Day. If your campaign incurred $10,000 or more of expenses, or if the candidate received 10% or more of the valid votes in the riding, the Return will need to be audited.
  • If you have not done so already, please make sure to collect all invoices and supporting documents related to expenses incurred for the campaign.
  • The campaign bank account will need to remain open until Elections Canada has sent to the campaign the notice of surplus. Please anticipate that this may take over a year after Election Day.
  • As agreed in the Election Expense Reimbursement Agreement, your campaign will have to pay for the Riding Service Package. Please wait to finalize the Campaign Return until you have received the invoice for these services, as well as the accompanying supporting documents. You can anticipate that this may take a few weeks after Election Day.
  • If you collected donations in the campaign account, make sure to issue contribution receipts. Please note that donations accepted 30 days after Election Day are not eligible for income tax purposes.
  • Please make sure to make an inventory of the assets purchased for the campaign. If you intend on reusing signs for another campaign, please make sure to clean them and hand them over to the EDA of the riding. The value of these will need to be declared as a non-monetary transfer to the EDA, otherwise you I will not be able to use again.
  • For assets purchased by the campaign such as appliances, these can either be declared as a non-monetary transfer to the EDA or can be sold and the revenues declared as other cash-inflows.
If you have any questions please contact us at, and our team will be in touch with you.