Registrant Subsidies for Conventions – Information for EDAs

Registrant Subsidies for Conventions – Information for EDAs

Published On: December 19, 2022

Last Modified On: April 6, 2023


An EDA can support registrants of a National or Provincial Convention but must respect the requirements outlined in the Canada Elections Act relating to Convention fees and any transactions from an EDA to support registrants. As such, please take note of the procedure described below.


  • Registration fees for attendance at a Convention are considered political contributions, eligible for tax receipts
  • An EDA can cover the cost of a Convention registration fee by following the process set out below, but an EDA CANNOT reimburse an individual who has already paid the registration fee out-of-pocket. Note that if an EDA covers the registration fee, the registrant will not receive a tax receipt.


  1. The EDA should decide whose fees are being covered
  2. The registrants being paid for must each complete a paper registration form
    1. Registrants to a National Convention should complete this form
    2. Registrants to a Provincial Convention should complete this form
  3. The EDA Financial Agent should write a cheque for the total amount of fees being covered, addressed to the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada
  4. Without exception, this cheque, along with all paper registration forms, must be received by LPC no later than a week prior to the first day of the Convention
  5. Submit all cheques and forms to: Liberal Party of Canada Attention: Finance 920-350 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1P 6M8
  6. The list of registrants must be submitted by email at
  7. In the EDA Financial Return, this transaction must be recorded as a transfer, not as an expense

Covering Travel-related costs

  • Subsidies for assisting registrants with costs such as food and travel are both possible, and encouraged. Please note that the monetary amount provided to a registrant by an EDA must not exceed the value of their expenses incurred. The board of the EDA should determine ahead of the National Convention the amount of the Subside to be provided, and pass a resolution clearly indicating the amount each registrant will receive.
  • An EDA can reimburse its registrants for food and/or travel once they receive expense claims from their registrants. The board of the EDA should determine ahead of the National Convention that this is how it wishes to proceed. The board should pass a resolution indicating that it will repay its delegates expenses claims for lodging, travel and/or food up to a specific amount. Afterwards, the registrant should provide the EDA Financial Agent with an expense claim and copies of the corresponding receipts.

If you have any questions about the information above, please feel free to contact us at